
Customer Experience Strategy | CX Strategy


Revealing the Truth About Word of Mouth

Word of Mouth is the best marketing a company can do. DUH! Even a caveman knows that! But what the caveman (and some businesses) may not know or get, is that you can say and encourage word of mouth all you want—it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen or happen the way that you want it to! A company needs to give customers a reason to talk about them. And there are only two reasons that a customer talks about a company, a product, or a service.

  1. They did something different or unexpected—in a good way…

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The Power of Aloha Customer Service Is Unconditional Friendship and Trust

I have lost count of all of the different “types” of customer service and sayings about what customer service should be. Oh, and we can also add the different words for customer service and the actual customer! In the end, they all say the same thing, be nice to the people or companies that give you money.

When I was in Hawai’i, Oahu to be exact—and just so you know, there is no ‘w’ in O’ahu. I was there for a speaking gig and then magically it into a vacation. It was my first time there and wh…

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How to Effectively Communicate With Your Clients Easily

Communication is key to every relationship . . . open communication that is. As technologies change so do the ways, styles, and expectations of communication. This is particularly true with clients. As a business, you can make executive decisions about how your employees are to communicate with each other, but with clients . . . well that is a different story. In many cases, they tell you what works best for them, and communicating with them in their style of preference usually makes communicati…

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Do New Customers Get a Better Deal?

"Why do companies give a better deal to new customers than to their old customers? Isn't this odd?"

I saw this question on LinkedIn and I just had to laugh. Not at the question, because it is a great one, but because it is SO True! When you look at the data that companies track there are always items around marketing, acquiring a new client, expanding to new areas, referral incentives—but where is the emphasis on reselling or upselling to current customers? Another element that this brings up is…

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Remember, Your Customers Are Busy

I was reading Steve Pavlina’s series about how to network with busy people. The article itself is great. He goes over a lot of common sense things, and uses great analogies and stories to prove his point. His main point throughout the series is to help you see how a busy person perceives the way you are trying to contact them.

While I was reading this, it got me thinking that a lot of the points Steve makes, are the same points that companies tend to be ignorant of in their approach to marketing…

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