Blog Articles
Digital Disruption: Its Time to Embrace the Revolutionary Opportunities
I was in a meeting the other day and the topic of digital disruption came up. The person I was meeting with described it as something that should almost be feared, which surprised me. I dove deeper into why he felt this way, what I learned was it was a response to some media-driven content that he was exposed to. So, I want to share with you how I explained digital disruption as an opportunity for him.
“Digital” is not a thing—it’s just as much a part of our lives as going to work, figuring out…
How to Engage on LinkedIn to Build Credibility
Unless you are engaging with your connections or with the LinkedIn community, LinkedIn is nothing more than the world’s largest Rolodex® and you will receive nothing from it.
I know that was harsh…and well it’s true.
Remember, every aspect of LinkedIn is searchable so the more you can engage, the more relevant you are, and the higher you appear in search results. The best way to do this is by engaging on others' posts in the news feed and their articles. I guarantee you, that you will build mo…
Classic Brands that Need to Re-brand to Survive in the Market
As a result of the BLM movement, many companies announced commitments to rebranding products that have been known to be insensitive or to display racial stereotyping to the BIPOC communities. As new brands are released, I’ll update this and share my insights about the rebrand that they are moving forward with.
Aunt Jemima -> Pearl Milling Company. February 2021.
PepsiCo, owns Aunt Jemima's parent company, Quaker Oats abandoned the 131-year old brand name. The nam…
What is the Impact of Inviting Marketing on Corporate Boards?
Despite the consistently proven impact, qualified marketers are rarely invited to join corporate boards.
Ever since I started my business, I have always been on at least one board. When I went back to get my Executive MBA was the first time, I had stepped off all boards. It’s been a few years now and I wanted to start looking into getting involved with a board again, but this time I want to do something different. I want to challenge myself and expand my skillset. So, I started looking into for…
Where is the Best Place to Publish My Articles? LinkedIn or Your Blog
Every expert will have a different take on this. My answer is “it depends.” What are your goals? What are you trying to achieve? What are you going to be sharing? Those questions and a few others will influence the actual advice I would give you, but generally here is my advice.
All original content should go on your personal or company blog first. From an SEO perspective, the search engines give credit to websites that regularly produce original content. Why would you want to give that credit …
Revealing How to be Smart in Marketing to Generation Z
Gen Z is just getting started and the future customer of every business. They were born between the years of 1996-2010. While they are young, they have all grown up with the Internet in their pocket, smartphones and tablets, and they prefer to use them over a computer.
What Key Events Influenced Gen Z?
- 2000+ - Global Terrorism
- 2000s – Increased Awareness of Shared Family Responsibilities
- 2007-2009 - The Great Recession
- 2007-2013 – Increase in Gun Violence
- 2008 - Election of Barrack Obama…
How to be Successful in Marketing to Millennials
The generation that the media loves to hate and is the most targeted in marketing was born between the years of 1980-1995. They have taken over the workplace and some don’t even remember a world without the Internet or cell phones.
What Key Events Influenced Millennials?
- 1970s-1990s - Rise of the Personal Computer “A computer on every desk and in every home” <-Microsoft’s First Mission Statement.
- 1980s – Rise of Video Games in the Entertainment Industry
- 1990-1991 – Operation Desert Storm /…
How to Improve Your Marketing to Xennials: They are Not Millennials
Xennials aren’t often talked about—as they aren’t an official generation. Instead, they are a subset between Gen X and Millennials born between the years of 1977-1983. This micro-generation doesn’t fit into either generation completely and still has enough traits and trends that end up creating a group of their own. They spent their childhoods outside without the need to update social media and were the first to be told to figure social media out in the workplace because of the boom in their ear…
How to Solve the Challenge of Marketing Successfully to Generation X
The forgotten middle child or the sandwich generation, previously known as “the slackers” or being the “problematic” generation because they never really tried very hard and are very independent. They were the first generation of “latchkey kids” with dual-income families and an increased divorce rate of their parents. Gen X is the smallest generation born between the years 1965-1979. They are juggling raising their kids, paying mortgages and tuition, getting ready to retire, and caring for their…
The FAQs of Working with a Fractional CMO
What is a fractional CMO?
A fractional CMO is a contract Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), retained on a part-time basis to provide executive marketing leadership for a growing business. They are a key part of your executive team brought in to take a holistic view of your business. They seek to understand your business objectives with enough clarity to develop fresh and impactful marketing strategies that will drive growth for your organization. They work with you to develop strategic insights, fo…