Blog Articles
Integrity is Really Useful and Important to Your Brand
A quick search on LinkedIn reveals that “integrity” is mostly associated with product launches or cancelations and job changes. There are a few posts that reference an organization’s core values. A quick search engine search reveals the definition, of course, and a series of self-help articles about how to identify someone ‘with’ it. So apparently integrity is a thing that you can acquire. Hmmm…
According to HubSpot and Ferguson Values, integrity tops the list of common core values. Yup. It’s t…
Case Study: How Passion for the Brand and Re-Uniting the Team Created Unstoppable Energy
Most brands would do anything to create the deep emotional connection and intense loyalty enjoyed by our client, a 50-year old regional non-profit. The organization was named after one of its charismatic, larger-than-life leaders. Back in the day, the founders had united the community around their mission of fostering conversations about diversity in various mediums--a public access television talk show, retreats, and workshops. But now, all but the TV show was shut down due to financial mismana…
How Your Mindset Affects Being Ready to Scale Your Business
Mindset. It’s all about the mindset. You can talk about growth, acquire the tools, and implement the systems, but if your mindset isn’t in the right place, you’ll still plateau or worse, fail. So, what is mindset? Mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation. Mindset is perception, it’s not fact-based. However, it feels like fact to you.
I was on a call with a client and we were talkin…
Case Study: Growth and Change Elicit Strong Feelings for Everyone in a Company
When the founder left the industry-leading company where he’d worked for the better part of a decade to strike out on his own, he had big ambitions: to compete with his former employer on a global scale, with an offering that would set a new industry standard for ethics, safety, and client value.
He was soon joined by two colleagues he’d met during his 16-year tenure in the industry, who had also become friends. The three shared the same vision for improving the industry, and together they atta…
Increase the Power and Impact of Your Brand with a WOW Statement
Are you looking to enhance your brand impact, drive sales, and achieve your revenue goals? Harnessing the power of brand messaging with category design is the key to unlocking growth and scaling your business.
In my experience, there are gaps between formal, traditional marketing statements, the pillars of marketing success, and the actual application and results of these structures. These statements are either too formal and wordy or too slapstick and trendy. The pillars used to build and defi…
How You Update and Modernize Your Brand Now
While there are elements of a brand that need consistency, the overall strategy of building a brand needs flexibility. Your customers, the market, our society, and our culture are not the same as they were—and are not the same as what they will be in the future. Needs change. Wants and desires change, and your brand needs to be able to adapt.
Luckily, modernizing your brand online isn’t as difficult as you might think. Here are just a few tips to help you get started.
The Art of Social Media
…What is Brand Personality and How it Helps in Marketing?
Think about a person that you admire or has been a mentor to you.
Can you see them in your mind?
Feel how they make you feel?
Now, tell me about this person. Only I don’t want to know their name or their gender. I want you to describe their personality to me. Do they always make you laugh? Are they always running late? Do they have a quirky twitch that they do when they are thinking? Remember, do not tell me their name or gender.
I’m listening...
Now let me tell you about my person-> My perso…
Unlocking Success: Hiring the Perfect Social Media Manager for Your B2B Brand
As a B2B executive, the quest to find the ideal social media manager can significantly impact your company's digital marketing success. To streamline this process, it’s crucial to establish a clear understanding of your company's short- and long-term goals, its marketing goals, the necessary internal setup to support your inbound efforts, and the specific qualities to look for in a social media manager.
Establish Your Company and Marketing Goals
Before meeting potential candidates, it's cru…
How Good Are You At Getting Your Business Out There?
One problem businesses have is in getting their businesses out into the world. The visibility of their brand and the value that they provide. Some leaders are naturally better at this than others. For some, they may be more introverted. While others might be more extroverted and better suited to getting their business and brand out there. Some may be investing all their time in the actual running of their business and might just not be quite sure which direction to take. The good news is that th…
How the Influence of Technology is Vital on Corporate Boards
“If you didn’t have a digital strategy, you do now or you don’t survive,” said Guillermo Diaz Jr., chief executive officer at software firm Kloudspot, and a former chief information officer at Cisco Systems Inc. “You have to have a digital strategy and digital culture, and a board that thinks that way,” he said in an article for the Wall Street Journal.
Technology is not new for businesses. It’s been a standard for a minimum of two decades. But not everyone embraced it, understood it, or recogn…