Looking to Achieve Results-Here Are 8 Tips
Small group/team meetings to provide new employees with lunch 'n learn style background, through discussion, of company values, culture, client overviews, competitor analyses, professional development skills training, etc.
Quarterly or more frequent all-hands meetings in one location with video conferencing for remote staff.
Internal listservs pushing out periodic information
Internal e…
What Business Are You In?
No matter how you spin it, define it or promote it, there are only two answers that are ever acceptable. These two answers fit every industry and business that ever has been, is currently or ever will be.
Yes I am aware that is a bold statement, but it is true.
All businesses are in the ‘people’ business or the ‘communication’ business. Actually, both of them are one in the same.
Every business exists to meet a need or desire of people and in order to do business with them, you must communica…
Panelist on Views from the Top on Blog Talk Radio
Remember, Your Customers Are Busy
I was reading Steve Pavlina’s series about how to network with busy people. The article itself is great. He goes over a lot of common sense things, and uses great analogies and stories to prove his point. His main point throughout the series is to help you see how a busy person perceives the way you are trying to contact them.
While I was reading this, it got me thinking that a lot of the points Steve makes, are the same points that companies tend to be ignorant of in their approach to marketing…
Fun or Boring Titles--You Pick!
In last month’s issue, he noticed how one title attracted more attention than any other and he wanted to know why—so he asked! What a novel concept! Here are all of the article titles that were in the newsletter:
Why Even Good Marketing Fails – And How To…
The Results to Some Simple Market Research
I have spent a good portion of the last year and a half doing research to find out if this new focus was viable, who my market would be and what would appeal to them. Overall, I think I have fo…
Interview with Bonin Bough of Pepsi Co & Marian Salzman of Porter Novelli
#Peptrends was the first known campaign of its kind. “Anything you learn is a great learning,” Bonin comments on the results. “By no means do we have a monopoly on great ideas or great th…
Beyond #PepTrends with Bonin Bough of Pepsi Co & Marian Salzman of Porter Novelli
On April 1, 2009 Pepsi rocked the Twitter community with their Peptrends Campaign. Using the hashtag #peptrends, almost 2,000 tweets were exchanged between PepsiCo’s top communicators, the press, twitter users and Porter Novelli’s Marian Salzman. PepsiCo’s goal was to show that they are an open, collaborative company by inviting the outside in and taking the inside out. They also wanted to show that they are a pioneer of social media. The fast-paced conversation covered a range of topics—Total C…
Christine Perkett Creates Virtual Work Before It Was Common Place
What started off as an interview with Christine Perkett of PerkettPR about social media, expanded to also include a discussion about the virtual world of PerkettPR and the things companies need to consider when deciding to take on social media. I found my conversation with her to be both enlightening and rewarding.
From the beginning she created her own way and has held true to her values. Creating a virtual company at a time when it was not common (the mid 90s) was not an easy task. Neither was…
Social Media: Company Accounts vs. Personal Accounts?
“The IZEA blog is focused on things relevant to IZEA and our community. is filled with content relevant to me and my personal thoughts about the world around us. While there is some overlap in audience each blog has a different message and bond with the reader.”This is a very important ‘rule’ that companies of all siz…